Booking policy

Booking Agreement: when booking an appointment with the required non-refundable booking fee, you enter into a binding agreement with the EH Perm.Makeup and accept the responsibility of having read and agreed to the following :


  • All booking fees are non-refundable
  • £50 booking deposit is required for all semi-permanent eyebrow treatments
  • Your booking isn’t confirmed until you’ve secured it with a deposit
  • All deposits are non-refundable and transferable only once


  • All cancellations, regardless of the notice given, will result in your deposit being forfeited.
  • If you wish to reschedule your appointment, please do so at least 48 hours before your appointment time. If you reschedule within 48 hours, an additional deposit will be required to make a new appointment reservation.
  • Any no-show/no-call clients will be asked to pay in full for further bookings at the time of reservation.


To avoid unfair client delays, your appointment must be rescheduled if you are more than 15 minutes late.

Please account for unexpected traffic, etc.

Thank you


  • Please come to your appointment alone
  • No children under the age of 18 are allowed in the treatment room
  • We do not have a waiting area, so anyone accompanying you to your appointment will be asked to wait in the car/outside.
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